(no subject)

Oct 03, 2004 23:21

Brief update....

Busy weekend - family activities plus housework and even a bit of downtime for me (new Terry Pratchett book all read now)

Unexpected gift received on friday in the post - a gorgeous green sarong from the Dragon Lady and her Dragonets! - It's almost too lovely to wear :-)

Busy week ahead of me too - work 6 month appraisal to redraft and present [oh what fun!]; a few dull-ish meetings and much wading through of general work things.

Next weekend - Voting (Down with DuckMan!) and then with luck I'll have my parents help to work on the painting jobs that I need to do here (ladders + lack of inner-ear balance = ouchies!).

Hmm... am beginning to think I'll need a few weeks holidays just to survive all my current projects!

Oooh - and speaking of holidays - My plane ticket to Canberra for Christmas is all booked. I leave wednesday night (22nd) and return to Brisbane in the evening of New Years Eve... And if anyone should wish to meet me at Brisbane domestic terminal and sweep me off to a Fun & Outrageous NYE party - please do! (with luck I'll be able to stop the silly "spent time with my Love" smile by midnight or so :-D)

Addendum... also managed to watch both discs of the newly released Stargate the movie dvd set. Must say that I'm disappointed that they didn't bother to include subtitles on it (and I was silly and didn't check the box when I bought it cause these days almost *all* new releases have subtitles for the lack of hearing bods...)
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