Recently read books, not in any order:
- Ian Tregillis - Bitter Seeds: Worked for me, though the German language felt a bit strange. A linguist friend took one look and decided against the book. There's a short story online set in the same universe at
- Robin Wasserman - Skinned: Pretty good (for a YA), actually.
- Skyler White - And Falling, Fly: Lost me at the supernatural "hotel" in Ireland. Blah.
- Greg van Eekhout - Norse Code: Started, but for some reason, it didn't catch me. Might try again later.
- Kelly McCullough - SpellCrash: Liking the Ravirn series, and this too was pretty nice.
- Anna Katherine - Salt and Silver: This was fun "romcom", but nothing too deep. Liked the language, for some reason, but the authors are ex-Tor editors or something...
- N. K. Jemisin - Hundred Thousand Kingdoms: Excellent, definitely recommended.
- Greg Egan - Diaspora: Standard Egan, with dozen extraneous technological ideas per page. Readable, but didn't feel it was as good as Permutation City.
- Carrie Vaughn - Voices of Dragons: YA. Lost me at the dragons hiding underground. It's not the 1930s anymore...