One: fic challenge.

Jan 04, 2011 21:31

Can you guys tell I'm trying to be more active here? After writing my previous entry (One; see below) I wanted to do more with it, without spoiling the freely-interpretable, er, essence of it. So I decided it'd be interesting to see how other people viewed the characters, setting, etc. I issue to anyone who reads this and likes to write, a challenge. The challenge is this: write for me a piece of short fiction that explores your interpretation of One, including the characters, the setting, events leading up to / following the events of the story, etc. Post it to your personal journal and comment on this entry with a link. It's not a contest or anything; just something to do for fun, because I'm curious.

The only rules are as follows:
  • Be creative
  • Have fun with it
  • Don't stress about making it awesome or perfect
  • Credit me for the original idea in your entry and link back to my journal
Link to One.

Hope to get some responses. 83

!challenges, original:random

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