Fic exchange?

Jan 03, 2011 20:10

Would anyone on my f-list be up for a fic exchange? I want to write, but I have no inspiration to write anything on my own. Rules are simple:
  • If it's a fandom, it must be one I'm familiar with.
  • If it's original (your characters), please make yourself available to answer the inevitable hoarde of questions I'll ask you.
  • Please be patient. As many of you know, I take a long-as-fuck time to write things.
  • Don't be afraid to offer me (polite) concrit, especially if I bungle your characters.

In exchange, I'd like any of the following:
  • Four Brothers -- anything Bobby/Jack, pre- during-, or post-film, but no shota. (I would seriously love you forever for this.)
  • Arthurian -- Mordred slash, almost any version, with almost any other Arthurian character.
  • Crossover -- My Mordred with an original character of yours.
  • Songfic -- anything inspired by Flyleaf's Memento Mori album, with a non-religious spin preferably. (This could also be added to any of the above.
If you want in, just comment on this entry. Finished fics should be posted in your personal journal, and linked to in a comment on this entry. I hope I get some takers. Love you guys!

Exchanges so far:
angel_gospel  -- { info pending }
lucre_noin  -- Four Brothers genfic or Mordred fic // Mordred fic { in-progress }

original:dragon and dove, !challenges, original:tkr trilogy, fandom:four brothers, writer's block, fandom:arthurian

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