TKR Formsprings!

Oct 26, 2010 23:14

So, guys, I finally did it. I made Formsprings for the main cast of TKR. Ask them your questions! Anything you want to know is fair game.


Coming soon: Arthur, Guinevere, Morgause.

!spam, original:tkr trilogy, fandom:arthurian

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lucre_noin October 29 2010, 16:55:20 UTC
I'm ignorant! What is TKR? What is Formspring?


lucre_noin October 29 2010, 16:55:51 UTC
Isn't Morgause Mordred's mother?
(but maybe it is some kind of rpg?)


pax_morgana October 29 2010, 21:22:09 UTC
Not in all versions. In some, it's Morgaine, while Morgause is merely his aunt. (This is the interpretation I'm going with for my trilogy.)


pax_morgana October 29 2010, 21:20:42 UTC
TKR stands for "The King's Raven", which is the title of my novel trilogy-in-progress. Formspring is a website where you can ask people questions.


lucre_noin October 30 2010, 05:12:11 UTC
ohh <3 ok. This explains the Morgaine versione : D

I was always curious about the idea of Morgaine as Mordred's mother. Because I can't find it.
I only found it in the movies and in The Mists of Avalon : ( and usually everybody ignores me when I ask what it is the first text with Morgaine as his mother.


pax_morgana October 30 2010, 05:22:18 UTC
I don't know where it originated from, actually. I just liked the idea of Mordred having a really messed-up and confusing family background, since what makes a family is a central theme of the series. So, to illustrate that, I'm integrating a bunch of different stories and making them one. As it stands now, Morgaine is his mother, but Morgause raised him for the most part and he doesn't even know Morgaine at all. He literally never meets her until book three, when he has a vision of her dying and tries to find her. So, for all intents and purposes, Morgause is his mother, though Guinevere tries to fill that role when he comes to Camelot. Largely, she fails, since Mordred has a twisted idea of what a mother is. (Basically, Guinevere is trying to be a good mum, but Mordred rejects her because he doesn't understand actual love.)


lucre_noin October 30 2010, 05:41:03 UTC
I love the idea of a confused Mordred <3 I think it works well. And Guinevere trying to raise Mordred... <3 poor queen, but I like them both.

I'm in love with Mordred as Morgause's son because I like his brothers. I can't write enough of all the family issues (but love!) between Agravaine and Mordred or Mordred and Gawain.
Or maybe because I love Morgana as Ywain's mother. I really like Ywain and... well... usually I don't like incest but the idea of Ywain/Ywain-the-bastard makes me happy XD


pax_morgana October 30 2010, 15:22:05 UTC
Well, thank you. Glad you think so. :3

Oh, yes. There's a whole subplot dealing with Mordred's relationships with Gawaine and Agravaine, as well as some insight into his relationships with Gaheris (who is characterized rather differently in my version from what is usual) and Gareth.

The Ywains don't really figure much into TKR, since Morgaine isn't actually a major character in herself. (Her existence is important, but, as I said, she only actually shows up once in person.)


lucre_noin October 30 2010, 15:45:48 UTC
: D ohhh Gaheris! I really like him recently but I never wrote about him. I can't wait to read your version of Gaheris.


pax_morgana October 30 2010, 18:37:44 UTC
I'm actually pretty fond of my Gaheris. Of the brothers, he's sort of the voice of reason among them. Agravaine's the hot-headed, impulsive one. Usually, the impulsiveness is split between them, but I wanted to make them two distinct personalities, so I fashioned a different character for Gaheris.


lucre_noin October 30 2010, 18:39:25 UTC
I often found Gaheris as some sort of Agravain's shadow. It's sad.
I don't have an idea of a 'my Gaheris', actually, but I think it'd be as Soujin's Gaheris. I don't know.


pax_morgana October 31 2010, 01:18:54 UTC
Mm, mine is really no one's shadow. (If anything, Gareth seems to be Gaheris' shadow.) Age-wise, he's smack in the middle of Gawaine and Agravaine on the older side, and Gareth and Mordred on the younger, and he's very quiet (as of right now, he's spoken his first lines in chapter two of book one) and observant. He watches, listens, and learns from everything his brothers do. Unfortunately, he has the least "screen time" of any of the brothers, since Mordred tends to brush him off most of the time. (In truth, it's because he creeps Mordred out. Haha.)

I'm not entirely familiar with Soujin's Gaheris, actually. I think I've only read a piece or two where he's featured.


lucre_noin October 31 2010, 05:34:08 UTC
Gaheris creeps Mordred out <3 <3 I need to read it : D he seems adorable (in a literature-sense).

Soujin wrote a wonderful long story called Catechism with Gaheris and Mordred as the main characters. She is really a great writer and it's a pity she abandoned her story-


pax_morgana October 31 2010, 05:37:14 UTC
Hahaha, yep. XD At the moment, Mordred is recovering from his first glimpse of prophecy (he has the Sight rather strongly) and Gaheris has decided to talk with him. Mordred's reaction is pretty much, "Oh shit he's talking what do I do now?" Gaheris almost never talks, to the point where most people outside of his immediate family assume he's mute.

Ahhh, I see! I'll have to look it up.


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