It's that time again!

Oct 21, 2010 20:22

Yep, it's NaNo time! And, as per my usual custom, I have decided to change my novel's premise at the last minute. This time, I figure it's for the best, since my brain is in Arthurian mode and it's likely not going to come out for a long time to come. This year's (new) project was inspired by lucre_noin and her wonderful Galahad/Mordred fiction. Decided I'm going to do a trio of short stories that all tie in: one from Galahad's POV, one from Mordred's, and one that meshes both. (And, of course, there's gonna be slash involved.) It's gonna be a vast undertaking for me, but I hope I can do it!

Working title for the whole piece is "The Dragon and the Dove: three tales from Camelot". Galahad's piece will be titled "Siege Perilous", but the other two have no titles as of yet. Any suggestions?

!nanowrimo, fandom:arthurian

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