Song Drabbles: TKR trilogy 2.

Jul 07, 2010 19:42

Installment number two of my song drabbles based around TKR. "Blame" is a bit AU, since no exchange of this nature would actually happen in TKR, but it seemed fitting to me. Take it as you will. There are only five this time, 'cause my brain ceased working after the last one. These are pretty much Mordred-centric, except for "Spirits".

Love You to Death - Kamelot

The first time you got sick, you told me that it was alright. You smiled in that way you do when you want me to trust in some foolish lie and made promise after promise. That was hard to believe when you were so weak that you could barely sit up. They were pretty words, but you always became ill again soon, and there was nothing I could do for it. You would thrash about like you were on fire and then become so still. But after, when you would smile and promise - that was the worst part, always.

Odd One - Sick Puppies

They were too similar. They reflected one another perfectly: neither of them were quite usual, and neither of them were quite accepted by their peers. Maybe that's why they were drawn together. It didn't matter that Mordred was still pining for Lancelot, or that Sagramor had a tendency to make bedroom eyes at women. They had each other when the times were bad, and that was all that really mattered in the end. When Sagramor was sick and quaking, Mordred was there. When Mordred was bitter and hateful of all the world, Sagramor was there. It was just as well.

Utopia - Within Temptation (feat. Chris Jones)

Our world has come to this. I've heard that this was what it was like in the beginning, before you healed the land and made it one. Now, it's gone asunder again. And who is to blame? Me? I think not. You make such a show of justice and equality - but for what? In the end, you broke your own laws. You're just as much a hypocrite as the rest of them, and we were wrong to put our faith in you. This world was beautiful, once, but now it's diseased and dying, and it's all your fault, Father.

Breath - Breaking Benjamin

There was a time, once, when we were in love. Now, there is no more. You chose her, and in choosing her, you've made an enemy of me. You cannot have us both, no matter how many promises you make, nor how firmly you swear that it was only once. Only a mistake. Don't ever look at me that way, like you can make everything sweet again. If you do that, I swear to your god and mine that I will kill you for it. Take your precious Queen and be gone from here. Do me that mercy, at least.

Audience of Souls - Emily Smith

He sees them, wandering about as if they were still among the living. He wonders if they know that they've gone from this world; he suspects that they do not. If he has nothing else to do, he'll talk to them, and they seem glad of the company. Most of them are people he's never met, but every so often, he'll catch sight of a familiar face. That hurts, sometimes. He's made a habit of going to see them, and tell them of the times or sing them songs. They seem the happier for it, and he's glad of that.


Sick: Sagramor is ill. Mordred worries that he's worse off than he claims.
Kindred: Mordred and Sagramor are made for each other, it seems.
Blame: In the Last Days, Mordred refuses to take the fall for Arthur's crimes.
Past: Lancelot has made his choice, and Mordred lays down the law.
Spirits: Myrddin sees the walking dead and does what he can to make things better.

pov:3rd omniscient, pov:1st, original:tkr trilogy, pov:3rd limited, fandom:arthurian

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