Hmm. If I see my internet shadow, will I have six more weeks of lurking? *ponders*
Nice surprise turnaround in the fourth quarter.. I really didn't care who won, but it lent the game some needed excitement. I thought the half time show was a'ight, and Tom Petty's not so old now that maybe I wasn't the only one sekkritly hoping to see some nipple. ;-) The commercials weren't all that amusing or interesting, what I saw of them anyway.
Yay! for the positive rumblings about a possible end to the WGA strike. I know it's still rumor at this point, but it seems like the most promising development in these few months. So maybe it could come in time to allow production of a full season of Lost! We can hope.
Speaking of which, I thought the new episode was great, laughter and tears and love and heebie jeebies, overall quite a rollercoaster of emotions. As to the written commentary for the rerun of Through the Looking Glass, even though it sucked, there were a couple of details I'd missed. The first time around I didn't catch that the surgeon who operated on the crash victim in the flash forward had the same last name as Bernard, and I also didn't know that some of the lyrics Charlie was singing were from Dom's own poetry. So I did learn something. But if there's a next time, they'll simply have to get
ack-attack to write it. One great thing about the airing was the Sawyer *drool* and Locke "Crazy" promos. Those were both tivo moments. Anyway, is it Thursday yet?
Find Out Which Lost Character Are You at! Lots of low snow lately, it's been fun and pretty though we're not really used to much of it here in the foothills, we are snow wimps. In one storm in Aurora (Denver) snow covered our entire sliding glass door, but here we think it's a blizzard when it starts sticking to the roads. Just up the hill, a long stretch of I-80 was closed last night to white-out. When I lived in the Sierras, we even once got snow in July. Here we're usually just a few hundred feet elevation below the snow line, so mostly it's just been raining like mad here all month. I can hardly believe we'll be getting sunshine this week. I discovered a moisture problem with a wall today, hopefully just need to replace some siding. The Mr. hurt his back/hip this month and spent the last few weeks acting out his symptoms of pain in the ass off work recovering. So it's just what we need right now.. hoping it won't be very serious/expensive. Another reason to be glad the sun's coming out!
ION, I'm *bleeping* Matt Damon.