Wow. Just, wow.
Ben wasn't born on the island, but not in Portland either. Roger "skeletor" Work Man is the baby daddy.
Hey, man.. Horace Goodspeed is a great character. Dharma Initiative had quite a colony.
The hostiles, or "natives," meant business.
Little Ben likes bunnies. The kid pulled off that wide-eyed look pretty well.
They had a plane?! The freaky face woman was his dead mom?!
Ben & Annie, sitting in a swing..
His dad's a drunk and a serious creep. Aw no wonder poor Benji grew up to be a psychpath. Happy Birthday, Ben- here's a magic box full of emotional abuse.
Ooh whispers! And, mommy!
Benny braves the fence.. and it's a native hostile? OMG It's Richard Alpert!!! How cool. "Are you Lost?" He seems so sweet. How did he not age? Ben wants to defect and join them.
Nerdy Ben was just a work man, too. And he still kept Annie's doll. Pearl station workers like beer. Shambala, w00t. Ben gassed his own father. How Darth he seems in the mask.
The camp was attacked.. the purge.. looks like they were gassed too, they all died suddenly where they were. Even good ol' Horace.
Locke is a bad ass. We're off to see the wizard. Mikhail's had a bad week. Alex is a rebel. Sawyer and Sayid rawk. Mangos are yummy. Even if Jack & Juliet may have perfectly reasonable explanations, they are still creeping me out.
The Ben & Jacob little house of horrors scene was beyone eerie. "Help me." Yipes. I'm still wondering why Ben even went, but it was great. Locke still thought it was for show and Ben is the man behind the curtain? That is one crazy curtain.
Mass grave, how gruesome. Not very pleasant folks, these hostiles. And it's still an open pit. OMGWTFNOOOOO!!!!! Oh despair. Surely he'll be fine, but oh, man.