meme nicked from kiraras_lemon and penanna :3

Dec 10, 2007 10:13

Occupation: Computer Games Programming Student/Lazy bum (and with BSc in it too ;D)
Birthday (Sign): November 11th (Scorpio)
Blood type: psh dunno
Height: between 5'4" and 5'6" (Damn my mother and her shortness genes :()
Weight:11.5 stone
Eyesight:Short Sighted, might aswell be blind though XD as I can only read the screen if I'm lke no more then 10cm away from it >_>;
Dominant hand: Lefty :3
Techniques: Er... being geeky, and er, being silly XD
Favorite food: Chips, Bacon, Sausages (mmm... heart attack)
Hobbies: Gaming, Role Playing, Gaming, reading, listening to music, gaming, anime, some more gaming, Military Hardware and History, programming, oh and last but not least gaming XD
Family: Mum, Dad, Sister, Grandad, lots of aunts and uncles and god shit loads of cousins.

Committee:Dunno yet, might be helping out in HUGA (the other gaming society, the computer gaming one XD)
Best subject: Maths, Physics and History
Worst Subject:English
Often visited place in school: CW4/04 as its the gaming studio and they have steam, so its CS:S and TF2 time there XD
Elementary School:Poplar First
Uses allowance on: Games, Mangar and figures :3
Favorite Motto: "GET OUT" or "oh Follicles"
Favorite types of movies: Comedy, Fantasy, Action
Favorite type of books: Well I don't read that much except Mangar, so Mangar wise its Romantic Comedies, (I'm a sucker for them XD) Action, Comedy, Romance (well more the male orientated ones, like Saikano oh god, Saikano is so depressing ;_________;)
Favorite type of music:IDM, Experimental D'n'B, general weird Electronic Music, J-pop, J-rock, J-metal, Metal, Heavy Metal, Black Metal, Post Hardcore, Rock, Hard Rock, Punk Rock, Screamo, C-pop, French House, Ska, Power Metal, BATTLE METAL!
Favorite colours:Dark Red
Favorite (type of) person: Er, someone I get along with and generally of the opposite sex (Well this is cause, I had only male friends up to High School, and most of them were arseholes except some cool people, and my first friend that was really a girl was Georgie so yeah >_>;)
Favorite date spot: I don't have one (as I haven't been on a date ever >_>; but I can see somewhere nice, like there is a small castle on a hill that overlooks Huddersfield and the local area.
Most wanted thing right now: Motivation and maybe a girlfriend >_>;
Daily Routine:Get up, shower, go to Uni, lol about a bit at Uni, come home, then internets, food and gaming till sleepy time.
Doesn't like/bad at doing: Remembering things mainly, getting things done .__.;, saving money
Special skill aside from tennis: I can easily get into things, also I get along with nearly anyone.
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