character development (Ace);

Jun 17, 2007 04:00

Okay, so I've had this huge character revelation, and I'm so fuckin' proud of myself, that I needed to write it down.

I was confused, hours ago. Last night. Whatever. Ace tagged Rose Tyler, and wasn't mean. Didn't rip her head off. Didn't mumble something at her and leave.

They walked. And talked. And I think they're becoming friends.

Yes. Friends. With a person who's a girl.

Now, I immediately panicked. I thought "What? Am I OOC? Why is she acting this way? Did I suddenly lose my character?" And so I descided she was so emotionally exhausted from the mess with Jack and Homeplot that maybe that was it. She was too tired to fight.

So I made a post in TR, because she's MELLOW. She's talking to people. She's doing things that are utterly unlike herself, and I don't know why.

And then, I remember. I remember the scene that I never quite understood, why in the first episode of Doctor Who she suddenly spills her guts to Mel (someone she nicknames Doughnut because there's nothing in the middle (brainless)). She literally goes all out, telling her about her family, getting kicked out of school, even her name.

At the time, I didn't understand. So I actually connect A and B, and I realise now that she's in the same mental state.

And I know why. It's not that she's emotionally exhausted, although she is. It's that she's lonely. I'd not realised this, but Ace has a certain threshold of social interaction (much like a Sim) that she needs to have, and she just went ahead and descided she needs to stop watching TV.

So, perhaps, it's excellent timing. I'm not quite sure what'll happen when she goes back to being her brillo-pad self, but it'll at least be interesting. I suppose this is a bit of a kudos to myself, and a bit of a O_O thing. I had no idea what was going on, and had wondered if I'd gone off the deep end.


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