Dec 26, 2008 17:38
hi. it is getting dark here and the security guard at the construction site across the street is still sitting there in his car staring down the neighborhood. every week almost a new building goes up in the sprawling lot of condos which borders the train yard and the old train station that has been abandoned since the mid-nineties. i've never been inside the old station but you can get on the roof. i guess there used to be shows there sometimes. anyway as you can see the neighborhood i live in is rapidly undergoing development or i guess people with a lot of money are rapidly attempting to develop the neighborhood. i wonder who is going to move into these lofts. half of the buildings downtown are already unoccupied and more and more of these huge housing complexes are being built and no one has any money anyway...i'm staying in this old victorian on the corner with a bunch of other white punk kids (overwhelmingly white, anyway). there is a gold headless mannequin on the front porch and a lot of books and posters and goofy shit on the inside. it has high ceilings and each room is painted a different color of ridiculous. my housemates are kindof homebodies who like to eat what i cook and bake so i am pretty content with the whole thing. people are mostly vegan but not totally and people mostly don't drink but sometimes they do. it's a really good fit for me and i hope i can stay here, though it's a little weird cause the kid i'm dating and i are sharing this real tiny space that's not even an actual room but we weren't really planning on living together long term and this situation is threatening to be long term...well i hope i can just stay here honestly and he finds a different spot. ha. affirmative action is helping me here, christina wants another girl in the house. i know what it's like to be the only girl. you might object or maybe it's incredibly obvious but a lot of men are not raised to take care of their shit and it can be quite trying to ya know get people to wash their dishes.
my transience is becoming a problem cause whenever i want to start a project i think about how i will be leaving soon (in say six months) so i won't be able to harvest stuff from my garden or things like that...honestly i bet a lot of time will pass before i go to new orleans again. it would still be nice to see you some time and you're still welcome here whenever too. probably before i go to new orleans again i will go to mexico again and maybe some place in south america. greece, cyprus, turkey, iran, india, and japan are on my list too. sometimes it's hard to imagine i will have time to do all the things i want to do. some days i'm overwhelmed by the possibilities and the excitement i feel about interacting with the space and people around me and other days it is hard to get worked up about anything. i think this is probably somewhat common. anyway, s, i would be down to hear more about what's going on with you. i really do miss when we would talk more often.
un abrazo,