You set yourself a challenge with this story, I think. A Kirk/Spock story from Uhura's POV where she's sympathetic and awesome? A lot of people would consider that a tall order. Heck, I would, which is one reason I don't read that much K/S -- I love Uhura, and don't like to see her depicted badly.
You rose to and bested that challenge. This is an incredible story about exceptional people, and I absolutely adore how clearsighted, intelligent, competent, and perceptive you show Uhura as being, and the way Jim shines in her view because he has to, and does, earn it. I'm very impressed.
*blush!* Wow, thank you! I'm glad that resonated as well as it did! I'm a huge fan of Uhura, especially considering how awesome she was in the movie, so I'm happy that shined through.
What a lovely insight into how Uhura might come to be the loyal crewmember and friend we saw in the TOS here in the Reboot universe. I really liked how you allowed her basic sense of fairness to come into play, as well as her ambition and her professionalism. Not only that, you let her be kickass!
Ohhhhh, this was lovely. I adore K/S, but I too have a problem with the Uhura-bashing that goes on in some K/S fics, because I LOVE her. You did such a lovely job with showing her struggle, and devoting some attention to her strength of will and character. I really enjoyed this. \o/
I thought this was lovely. A great story showing K/S through Uhura's eyes. Even better than showing the developing K/S though was how you showed the trust building between Uhura and Kirk. Thanks for sharing.
Comments 42
You rose to and bested that challenge. This is an incredible story about exceptional people, and I absolutely adore how clearsighted, intelligent, competent, and perceptive you show Uhura as being, and the way Jim shines in her view because he has to, and does, earn it. I'm very impressed.
*applauds you*
PS: Love your icon! \o/
That being said, I get arms of joy emoticon! YAY! \o/ That's super high praise! Thank you!!
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