Well ladies and gents, here we are 5 months into the New Year and this is my first vid for 2007. I started it in December, but then school happened, and now finals and procrastination is happening, so it FINALLY got done (yay for end of the year senioritis!)
A little explanation to the song. This is sort of a John/Atlantis vid in the sense of Atlantis looking as John keeps putting himself in danger. Since my favorite fics are Sentient!Atlantis fics, I thought a vid of the same feel would be appropriate. AND it's a Sheppard vid! AT LAST!! Seriously, he's my fave character and yet I've made how many Rodney vids already?
Again, many thanks to
nusuth and
obfreak for the beta and the help!
And once again, big thank you to
illman for hosting the vid!
Title: Walk Away
Artist: Franz Ferdinand
Vidder: Lilas
Spoilers: Up to all of S3
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