D.I.G.I.T.A.L.....Die hard !!

Aug 06, 2007 23:31

Every damn thing around us is now digital or getting digital, saw a movie recently - Die Hard 4.0, feels so true !...may be one day we all will be slaves of technology, although I think we will be a touch late in India, but after seeing that movie, it feels that we are better off that way !

Some comparisions with the movie.

We will not have a single power unit, that could be remote controlled and can effect powercuts in the entire region, as it is we get power at a premium, so hacking it is of no use, and moreover there wil be a power hungry babu who will ask you to shell out money before he tells you which is hte power switch !

Mixing traffic signals to trigger accidents, cause we are soo prone to traffic signals...nai !....not possible....where do we follow traffic rules to have an accident out of misleading traffic lights... ! long call.

Directing all Gas towards a single station, so that it forms a bomb, we get cooking gas in cylinders ! and that too after too much gochi !

Hacking all call centres, so that you can use it as a camaflouge for things to happen, we Indians rather prefer talking to a person in person to solve a personal problem

Hacking into a fighter jet to direct fire on some one else,......a bit possible, but with our "VERY" Reliable Mig-20's all chances of failure !

All financial data under one server, well only the americans can do such thing.....some of the co-op banks still operate out of a gigantic ledger...(TRUST ME it still exists)

So do we need a cyber unit...hell ya...to cut down on porn may be !!

So bruce willis.....if you want all that to happen in India ! you will have to call it die hardest !!

On the contrary !!...(This is the other person thinking) We are soo prone to mobiles and digi cams, gone are the days where we used to see movies wehre a journalist shoots a picture of a muder and hides the reel somewehre...someone develops it and gives it to police.....then they kidnap the inspectors sister and say...if you bring me the negetives i will spare your sister and all that crap....so our hero sings a few songs with the heroine....and finally nails the culprits....

Now all you need is to shoot a 5mp high clarity picture / video on your mobile and press a button and will get emailed to police ! or to the entire world...so what will the new villans do ? take up computer classes to become hackers  ??

Long cry !

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