Dec 09, 2004 22:49
So I'm going to sleep in a minute. I'm kinda tired. I'm glad it's going to be Friday. Tomorrow is Chris Rosner's Birthday, so it should be a nice day for him. I love "Atlas Shrugged" (We've been reading it for Book Club as our December and January book since it's a little over a thousand pages long). I'm facinated by Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism. I don't agree with it completely, but I'm liking many of the main points. I also am enjoying "The Catcher in the Wry" in Psych and Lit. It doesn't really make me happy, but in reading about Holden Caufield, the main character, I get a sense of what people hate about themselves and complain about others for doing those things. I hold firm in my statement that everyone is Holden Caufield. I finished "A Tale of Two Cities" and it was really sad. I really like Dickens. He writes very dramatic characters. They make me happy and sad and in love...basically I feel anything the characters feel which is really cool. I know Tim didn't like Charles Dickens in 7th grade, but he only read two of Dickens's old novels and he may have been too young for Dickens, just as I was too young for the two Dumas books I read for the same project. Anyhow, Scholastic Bowl was slaughtered today, but we'll get better soon, I'm sure. Much love!