Studying English: the main reason of interruptions

Jun 30, 2015 11:50

So, when I started to think about how to study a foreign language by means of a audio courses I discovered that they have no system which would have established some rules how exactly I should do to achieve good learning the course. They just recommend to listen to all the lessons one by one. But my experience at the University where i studied for five years was that I can learn something after five repeatings. May be there are some people which can learn more faster then me, but my number is Five!

So if I need to learn well enough I have to repeat every lesson five times. I decided a Lesson should repeat not only in one day, but according to the my university rule: new day + new repeating and of course we should add studying new lesson. As known sleep helps absorption. As a result I had worked out the next schedule:

So the main reason why me interrupted studying english audio courses was I had no schedules. I think it was simple: just repeat time after time and that's all. But after some iterations I forgot how much approaches I had already did, so it exasperates me and I gave up.

But when I have a table it disciplined me. Also studying with such approach becomes very interesting for me as if I follow road map.

The table on the photo above in fact was too complicated too I discovered. I finished the elementary level which consist of thirty lessons and I simplified the schedule from general kind with every lesson to particular kind with only lessons for one iteration. Normally one iteration must be produced during one day.

So according to my new planning technology I must see only seven lessons in plan. When I pass it I write the data of the day in special field. See the picture below:

On top of it all I adjusted the table to the size of kit's book. As you can see there are three iterations at one sheet of paper. When I did all iterations I just put aside worked-out schedules, so they don't tangle me. Feel the difference!

At the photo above You can see my advanced kit. I added the schedule and the cards to the publisher's kit. I will discribe the important part of knowledge technology The Cards in my next posts.

The previous post about how did I get combine growing thin with studying English you can read here.
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