November is Native American month

Nov 23, 2005 11:22

Apparently, November is Native American month (possibly with the words "Heritage" or "Culture" or "History" thrown in there, I didn't bother checking.) This strikes me as kind of a fucked up thing to do - just another continuation of the tradition of giving the Native Americans the shaft.

Think about it. First they were given smallpox, then shitty reservations on land nobody wanted, then alcoholism. And that's without listing the good ol' fashioned vanilla-style slaughter or mentioning the forced migrations.

And now they get November, arguably the shittiest month of the year, at least in Texas. November is when it really starts getting cold, but only sporadically, without even guaranteeing snow, without any really good benefits.

January - Has that crisp "new year" feel to it, and you're still playing with all your awesome Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/New Year's presents.
February - Second shittiest month of the year, possibly redeemed only by Valentine's day.
March - My birthday; St. Patrick's day (I care less about Irish culture than I do about Irish drinknig)
April - April Fool's day. 'Nuff said.
May - School is out!
June - It's warm and sunny.
July - "Celebrate this country's freedoms by blowing up a small part of it!"
August - Nothing particularly wonderful about August, but at least it's still warm. Marred slightly by having to return to school.
September - Same as August.
October - Redeemed only by Halloween.
November - Shittiest month ever.
December - Unless you're one of those people who hates the holidays - like me - you should be rooting for whatever your ethnicity or culture celebrates. And if you are like me, the shower of presents should provide some comfort.

So there we have it. The only month that even comes close to being as shitty as November is February, and we gave it to black people to celebrate their history.

You could argue that November is redeemed by Thanksgiving, but think about it... how fired up can the Native Americans get about that?

They seem to be taking it well, though. Hoop dancing was pretty nifty - he used the hoops and his body to create representations of various animals and other things, and I was impressed. It made me want to use the phrase "human origami", but it didn't really apply. Then the oldest looking one said something about killing our mother, and then it was time for the grass dance.

I wonder how long it'll take for their culture to completely die out.

utd, rant, culture, pictures

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