The limits of our madness...

May 04, 2009 12:04

So. PL and I have an obsession. It is extremely embarrassing, in that it's a boyband obsession. It is also rather alarming, in that we've both spent at least $100 each on DBSK goods within two months of finding out about them. And also pretty amazing, that our fangirling is growing exponentially - we've been spamming each other so much that we've had to create new email threads in gmail to accomodate the sheer amount of fanigrling two girls can do even when they are 13 hours apart O_o

rie-plhu classics I - 59 posts 11/13/08 to 12/31/08
plhu-rie exchanges, part II =) - 56 posts 02/08/09 to 03/29/09 (wherein the dbsk fangirling starts)
rie-plhu classics III - aka Jaejoong is gorgeous and Yunho is smex =) - 60 posts - Apr 2 - Apr 16
plhu-rie classics IV: Jaejoong is all kinds of beautiful and Yunho is a STUD. - 103 posts - Apr 16 - May 4 (we maxed out the gmail thread count limit at 100. The other three posts became a new archive msg O_o GMAIL BUG!!!)
plhu-rie classics V: Jaejoong is epic failure love and Yunho has hot moobies - 3 posts and counting - May 4 to...?

What scares me is we managed to discover gmail's max thread count. That we made it that far in....2 weeks is rather amazing. O_o And I'd have you know that the emails are not one liners either - all epic long posts of fangirl-isms, pic spams, and general spazzing. Amazing. That and the increasingly singleminded subject titles. LOLOL

That''s of course not counting the chats! Was trying to do a screenshot of all the chats...but i think i will leave PL to that. A general estimate of the total number of lines is in the general vicinity of thousands. O_o


dbsk, rie-plhu

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