Sep 26, 2007 14:06
I was late to an appointment yesterday. After waiting *forever* at one stoplight, I discovered that the road I had turned on was closed at the train crossing, which I couldn't see from the street I was turning off of until it was too late. The idiots working the construction site had neglected to put up a sign that the road was closed! So everyone who turned on to that road had to turn around, wait at the stop light, again *forever*, before we could take the detour that was a mile away in both directions, depending on which way you were headed. By the time I got up to the next street, there was a train passing through - at 5 mph! *$%@! I got to where I was going - 15 minutes late. *sigh*
Downloaded the ADB soundtrack! It's as good as the movie! :D Yay!
Watched Hot Fuzz last night! Funny, funny, funny, movie! :D A British comedy/action film and a good one to check out!
a dog's breakfast