mom job interview update

Aug 11, 2008 20:01

Hey everyone, thanks for all your good thoughts and finger crossings! :)

Mom's job interview was this morning. She felt pretty good about it. There are always going to be a few "I should have said this or that differently" thoughts after something like that. The only fly in the serum is that the manager who was supposed to be doing the interviewing had to cancel at the last minute and so a few of her subordinates filled in for the manager. Mom may get called in for a follow up interview with the manager.

She also got a call today from the employment agency about a temp position at the community college. Two things against it: it's definitely temp and only lasts for 3 weeks *and* it would interfere with the better job that she interviewed for today at the university should she get it.

So keep those fingers crossed and good thoughts coming please! :)

Coming home tonight, I saw a giant smoke cloud far off on the western horizon. I hope it stays there. Ever since coming home from Comic Con 2 weeks ago, it's been sunny, clear, beautiful skies. With the exception of that scary thunderstorm last week. The Craig Fire erupted a couple of weekends ago just outside Oroville. It's now fully contained. Yay! There was a helicopter crash in Shasta county last Tuesday in which some firefighters were killed: 9 people died, 4 survived. They haven't determined the cause of the crash.

This morning at a student's lesson:

Me: *pointing to the student's music* What do we call these squiggly things here?
boy student: *thinks for a moment, then says with all seriousness* It's a coffee break.

LOL! The squiggly things I had pointed to in his music were quarter rests, each receiving 1 beat of silence. Coffee break, indeed. *g*

fires, family, teaching

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