Title: Just for a Day
pautami Pairing: Kokame
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Rating: PG-15 for implied situations
Summary: A wish that come true. How will Kazuya deal with it? Is this really what he wants? It happened on his birthday too.
Warning(s): A gender switch? It’s not really a gender switch but there’s a part where Kame is a girl. It might be confusing
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It told you it's no good. It's confusing. Although it's meant to be that way. Either Kame switched to a girl or he woke up in a parallel universe where he's a girl but still with Koki or he dreamed about all of it.
My twin is too kind
P.S. now i don't know if i'll post it on comms or not *digs and buries herself under the ground*
edited and posted to comms! *hugs* thank you!
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