Nov 04, 2004 16:13
-B A S I C-
[my name is]: Adam McConney
[in the morning i am]: waking up and going to class
[love is]: something i've never experienced
[i dream about]: little woolly lambs
-W H O-
[do you have a crush on?]: nobody right now
[easiest to talk to]: paul
-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do you notice first?]: eyes and smiles
[last person u slow danced with]: nobody...when i dance i drop it like it's hot
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend]: best friends are all guys.
-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: Fat Mike
[hugged]: mom
[you instant messaged]: Adri
[you laughed with]: Andrew
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[could you live without the computer?]: helllll noooo
[what's your favorite food?]: any kind of meat
[whats ur favorite fruit?]: bananas in my protein shakes
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional
[trust others way too easily?]: not anymore...i used to but now I'm a sheisty bastard and don't trust anyone
-N U M B E R-
[of times i have had my heart broken?] none...bitches ain't shit ;)
[of hearts i have broken?] : one or two
[of boys i have kissed?] : that's a big ZERO
[of girls i have kissed?] : lots...recently i've been into that whole "hi we just met" thing
[of drugs taken illegally?] : i used to
[of tight friends?] : 6...Paul, Pellow, Christie, Miles, Moneypenny, Seif
[of cd's that i own?] : too many to sit down and count
[of scars on my body?] : a whole lot
[of things in my past that i regret?] : nada...everything happens for a reason
[i know]: some stuff
[i want]: to graduate TOMORROW!!
[i have]: a headache
[i wish]: things were easier for me
[i hate]: liars and slUts
[i miss]: my friends
[i fear]: pitch black darkness
[i hear]: the melodic breakdown in Mordecai
[i search]: for my socks under the bed in the morning
[i love]: in return
[i ache]: when I fight with people
[i care]: about ME! numero uno
[i always]: am aggravated about something
[i dance]: when hell freezes over??
[i cry]: rarely
[i am not]: someone to be pushed around and walked on
[i write]: for my band and when I'm sad
[i confuse]: most people except my close friends
[i can usually be found]: at the gym, playing XBox or on a computer
[i need]: to graduate....senioritis is setting in
[have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing]: ya
[if so, when and with who]: this hooker from Australia
[favorite place to be kissed?]: neck and cheek
[have you ever been caught "doing something"]: yea it 9th grade[wuss]: pardon??
[druggie]: not anymore
[gang member]: what up blood?!
[daydreamer]: not anymore
[alcoholic]: no but I drink some
[freak]: been called it a few times
[brat]: farthest thing from it
[sarcastic]: all the time
[goody-goody]: nope
[angel]: nope
[devil]: I'm not THAT bad
[friend]: a good one to my close friends...i don't really care about anyone else
[shy]: with girls
[talkative]: depends on with who
[adventurous]: quite
[intelligent]: yea i guess so...not to brag or anything *cough cough 4.0 GPA cough cough*
[impacted you the most spiritually]: Barbara
[wish you saw more often]: Moneypenny, Miles, Christie, Pellow, Paul, Seif
[wish you could meet]: a whole shitload of bands....
[most sarcastic]: Seif
[wish you knew better]: nobody...anyone worth caring about I already know
[best outlook on life]: Moneypenny or Seif
[most paranoid]: Christie
[sweetest]: Christie
[your best feature (personality)]: i'm laid back
[your biggest flaw (personality)]: I'm closed minded
[most annoying thing you do]: make fun of people for no reason
[biggest mistake you've made this far]: doing drugs
[describe your personality in one word]: chill
[the physical feature for which you are most often complimented]: my eyes[person you regret sleeping with]: lucie
[height]: 6’1"
[a smell that makes you smile]: night jasmine
[a city you'd like to visit]: SoCal again
[a drink you order most often]: water
[a delicious dessert]: protein shakes
[a book you highly recommend]: Angels & Demons
[the music you prefer while alone]: hardcore & metal
[your favorite band]: Alexisonfire
[a film you could watch over and over]: The United States Of Leland
[a TV show you watch regularly]: Nip/Tuck
[you live in a(n)]: house
[your transportation]: Ford Focus ZX3 4 cylinder engine
[under your bed or in your closet you hide]: my guitars, shoes, skateboard[something important on your night table]: my wallet and drivers license