When I've got nothing to do I get nothing done.

Apr 13, 2009 03:14

My goal of being back in MI was to find a car and maybe find another crew gig before driving back to LA to find my fortune (of low-paying, nonunion crew positions).

So last Wednesday I bought a car. It's a cheesy, teensy, bright red '97 Geo Metro. I like it. It gets killer gas mileage and functions well, which was my #1 priority.

So, in that teensy car, I planned on crossing the mighty, corn-covered midwest toward California. The place where I can follow my dream of becoming an asshole, calling people baby, growing a ponytail, and starting a chic heroin habit. My dream job is to be an early 90's Hollywood superproducer, complete with a collarless shirt and a huge car phone.

Then, as I was (considering) packing my things and emotionally bracing myself for the big move, I found out about a show in MI with which I have connections to. It's called Oogie Loves in the Big Balloon Adventure. The 2nd AD from High School is ADing on that*. I called him. He said he could get me some days on it.

So I'm all like, to myself, "I'm moving anyway. I'll just let him know I'm in CA and he calls."

Then I get a call to work on a short in Port Huron. (FUN FACT: The first short to be granted a Michigan film incentive.) It's a three day job. And it starts in two weeks.

Of course I take the job, because work + adventure + experience + $$$ > NO MONEY/JOB.

BUT DAMN IT. Even though Michigan is starting to get nice and I don't have concrete prospects elsewhere, I WANT OUT. Parallel (prod. company who did Demoted and High School) is doing more movies later in the year, and I feel like I'm going to be trapped somehow.

I wouldn't mind if I got work on a feature right now, because at least I'd be doing something constantly for weeks, which is actually a pretty nice feeling. It's like summer camp!

But, alas, I must wait two more weeks with nothing to do but hope for a phone call to dayplay on a balloon movie. It's actually pretty daunting and I'm pretty restless and miserable. When I was going to Schoolcraft I would often say that community college is academic purgatory. This is like career purgatory.

Oh, and I had a birthday on the 11th. I'm 23 now. I'm older than Buddy Holly when he died!

* FUN SIDE NOTE. Several months ago, Mike, the 2nd AD from High School, and I randomly bumped into one-another at The Grecian in Plymouth. Then, when I was in LA, I randomly bumped into him again at a bar in Silver Lake! Random meetings halfway across the country! That shit is FUUUUUUUCKED UUUUUUUP.
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