there are many things that i would like to say to you but i dont know how

May 01, 2005 20:25

I am taking my citizenship test in 2 weeks, after living in this country for almost 15 years..
I won't be an alien anymore! Who is the president again? haha joking.

Things to do before I leave:

-Skip down Edward St. with Anne and a forty in my hand.
-lose my shoes
-Sit in Duchess Park
-Write at the Red Roaster with Anne and eat carrot cake and drink Chia lattes
-Walk through South and remember how big and confusing I thought it was the first day of highschool
-Drink wine at the plantation
-go out for coffee at cafe one with james
-zoooom - maggie ;)
-take a picture of all the gum stuck underneath the bar at the office.
-remember the smell
-everything I want do do is in a big square..all within a few blocks.. is that sad?
-work, see movies, drink sangria, write, lay in grass..
-get my chest peice finished
-go to Ikea

-Finish my book of all my favourite qoutes and lyrics.
-Organize my photography portfolio
-Organize writing portfolio - type up written pages/print off typed pages. This is going to take hours.. there is so much dribble.
-Take all the pictures from my entire life, and put them in albums instead of shoes boxes.
-Finish my scrap book
-Take a picture of every significant place, street, builing, tree, person ec cetera. Anything that has meant anything to me for whatever reason.
-Make a scrap book out of that.
-Spend the night on Galleria's roof
-put all my albums in a giant album zip up thing that I as of yet still have to buy. I want a giant one that can hold like 200cds.
-Burn all the music on my computer onto Cd's
-Feed the ducks with Ken
-remember what kissing someone who tastes like cigarettes is like
-pick up a year supply of birth control just incase they don't have doctors in Vancouver or I am too busy to think about it.
-buy lots of vitamins! Other then coffee I will have no time to breathe or eat.
-Spend time with my parents
-say good bye
-grow some thicker skin
-let it all go
-never look back

There is so much more, probably a never ending list. I don't want to ever forget this place.
If I could I would wish for all of it to come back for one day, I wish I could re-live every vein twisting moment and sunken in breath. like a fast sequence, my life, injected into my blood stream to surge around and spark and set ablaze the inside of my heart for one last time....

I can't think of anything else...lastnights tequilla is still fogging my judgement. Birthdays are dangerous.

I feel like I am preparing for the amry or something..
who remembers when I was going to join the army?!!! hahahaha I do....I think at one point in my life I have wanted to be and do everything that I could ever possibly think of or do.
I still am going to be a pilot one day! wait and see!

atleast I'm imaginative right? or is it ambition?
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