common convo on lj. i have stopped responding. it makes them funnier.

Oct 16, 2006 22:48

BouncyCastle08 [5:04 PM]:  is this your taste? BouncyCastle08 [5:07 PM]:  how about this? BouncyCastle08 [5:07 PM]:  ?
BouncyCastle08 [5:07 PM]:  paul
BouncyCastle08 [5:07 PM]:  paul
BouncyCastle08 [5:08 PM]:  PAUL
BouncyCastle08 [5:08 PM]:  do you like shaved vagina?
BouncyCastle08 [5:08 PM]:  r u ignoring me?
BouncyCastle08 [5:08 PM]:  why
BouncyCastle08 [5:08 PM]:  why
BouncyCastle08 [5:08 PM]:  why
BouncyCastle08 [5:08 PM]:  cause i showed you vaginas?
BouncyCastle08 [5:08 PM]:  i will find cock
BouncyCastle08 [5:09 PM]:  here BouncyCastle08 [5:10 PM]:  i youch myselff
BouncyCastle08 [5:10 PM]:  *touch
BouncyCastle08 [5:11 PM]:  sometimes to pictures of you
BouncyCastle08 [5:11 PM]:  with pictures of you
BouncyCastle08 [5:11 PM]:  wrapped aroun dhotdogs
BouncyCastle08 [5:11 PM]:  on sticksa
BouncyCastle08 [5:12 PM]:  i wonder if there are real sex videos on youtube
BouncyCastle08 [5:13 PM]:  later will you look around to find real sex videos
BouncyCastle08 [5:14 PM]:  i want to rub my vagina all over your laptop
BouncyCastle08 [5:14 PM]:  and tease you
BouncyCastle08 [5:14 PM]:  with cakes
BouncyCastle08 [5:14 PM]:  in my hands like the libra simple
BouncyCastle08 [5:14 PM]:  *symbol
BouncyCastle08 [5:14 PM]:  squatting over your Dell
BouncyCastle08 [5:14 PM]:  walkng like an egyptian
BouncyCastle08 [5:15 PM]:  with lava cake in hands
BouncyCastle08 [5:15 PM]:  are you honry?
BouncyCastle08 [5:15 PM]:  horny
BouncyCastle08 [5:15 PM]:  FUCK YES
BouncyCastle08 [5:15 PM]:  i want to bottle gallons of your cum
BouncyCastle08 [5:15 PM]:  to bath in
BouncyCastle08 [5:15 PM]:  or to plant in my gardeen
BouncyCastle08 [5:15 PM]:  and grow lil pauls
BouncyCastle08 [5:15 PM]:  then fuck them
BouncyCastle08 [5:17 PM]:  i want you in my backseat tied up
BouncyCastle08 [5:17 PM]:  then i will touch you
BouncyCastle08 [5:17 PM]:  with a stick
BouncyCastle08 [5:17 PM]:  as i drive over the border
BouncyCastle08 [5:18 PM]:  to mexico
BouncyCastle08 [5:20 PM]:  sometimess when i yell out as i orgasm
BouncyCastle08 [5:20 PM]:  i yell
BouncyCastle08 [5:20 PM]:  PAUL
BouncyCastle08 [5:20 PM]:  big burp
BouncyCastle08 [5:20 PM]:  fucking organsmic burp
BouncyCastle08 [5:22 PM]:  mlkjdjlkds
BouncyCastle08 [5:22 PM]:  dlnhdx
BouncyCastle08 [5:22 PM]:  d;jdc
BouncyCastle08 [5:22 PM]:  dsxljd
BouncyCastle08 [5:22 PM]:  dsnldsx
BouncyCastle08 [5:22 PM]:  dxsnjds
BouncyCastle08 [5:22 PM]:  small cokcs
BouncyCastle08 [5:22 PM]:  small cocks
BouncyCastle08 [5:22 PM]:  big cocks
BouncyCastle08 [5:24 PM]:  :-);-):-(:-P=-O:-*>:o:-D:-$:-!:-[O:-):-\:'(:-X8-)
BouncyCastle08 [5:25 PM]:  you be the 6
BouncyCastle08 [5:25 PM]:  I be the 9
BouncyCastle08 [5:25 PM]:  lets make like legos and interlock
BouncyCastle08 [5:25 PM]:  lets cover each other in sauces
BouncyCastle08 [5:25 PM]:  and then lick them off
BouncyCastle08 [5:26 PM]:  i want to fuck you in a bouncycastle
BouncyCastle08 [5:26 PM]:  as a bubble machine
BouncyCastle08 [5:26 PM]:  blows bubbles
BouncyCastle08 [5:26 PM]:  you are are my love bubble
BouncyCastle08 [5:28 PM]:  i want to whoooooohoooooooooooooooo
BouncyCastle08 [5:28 PM]:  with you
BouncyCastle08 [5:28 PM]:  in the hot tub
BouncyCastle08 [5:28 PM]:  in the pool
BouncyCastle08 [5:28 PM]:  in the garden of a blind deaf old lady
BouncyCastle08 [5:28 PM]:  who can't walk anymore
BouncyCastle08 [5:28 PM]:  and resent children
BouncyCastle08 [5:28 PM]:  for being youthfull
BouncyCastle08 [5:28 PM]:  cause her youth is gone
BouncyCastle08 [5:29 PM]:  and she wants it back
BouncyCastle08 [5:29 PM]:  so she decided to kill them
BouncyCastle08 [5:29 PM]:  and bathe in their blood
BouncyCastle08 [5:29 PM]:  tog et her childhood back
BouncyCastle08 [5:29 PM]:  so she lures them in
BouncyCastle08 [5:29 PM]:  with candy's
BouncyCastle08 [5:29 PM]:  and then she makes a machine
BouncyCastle08 [5:29 PM]:  with her momma's boy son
BouncyCastle08 [5:29 PM]:  their is always a moma's boys son
BouncyCastle08 [5:30 PM]:  and she attaches the kids to blood shower machine, which is really a camp shower/miniture woodchipper
BouncyCastle08 [5:30 PM]:  and then she just bathes in it
BouncyCastle08 [5:30 PM]:  and nothing happens
BouncyCastle08 [5:30 PM]:  except that the neighboorhood gets quieter and her bath mat has a stain
BouncyCastle08 [5:32 PM]:  if i have a boy
BouncyCastle08 [5:32 PM]:  i hope he is gay
BouncyCastle08 [5:33 PM]:  sometimes i wondetr
BouncyCastle08 [5:33 PM]:  about what goes on
BouncyCastle08 [5:33 PM]:  in peoples head
BouncyCastle08 [5:33 PM]:  heads like who is crazy
BouncyCastle08 [5:33 PM]:  you knw
BouncyCastle08 [5:33 PM]:  who does kill kids and bath them in a blood shower. i hope Larry is not marrying me to steal my skin and take over my life
BouncyCastle08 [5:34 PM]:  he is very single white female
BouncyCastle08 [5:34 PM]:  i still wonder if he is gay
BouncyCastle08 [5:34 PM]:  like stealth gay
BouncyCastle08 [5:34 PM]:  i do not like that
BouncyCastle08 [5:34 PM]:  i am nervouse about my wedding
BouncyCastle08 [5:34 PM]:  about my life
BouncyCastle08 [5:34 PM]:  abotu 2morrow
BouncyCastle08 [5:34 PM]:  i am also tired
BouncyCastle08 [5:34 PM]:  very tired
BouncyCastle08 [5:34 PM]:  my body is tired
BouncyCastle08 [5:34 PM]:  damn couch
BouncyCastle08 [5:34 PM]:  damn ana
BouncyCastle08 [5:34 PM]:  so messy
BouncyCastle08 [5:34 PM]:  even i am not that messy
BouncyCastle08 [5:34 PM]:  and i rub boogers on larry
BouncyCastle08 [5:42 PM]:  i hat her hair
BouncyCastle08 [5:42 PM]:  ana
BouncyCastle08 [5:42 PM]:  it is everywhere
BouncyCastle08 [5:42 PM]:  i am sleepy
BouncyCastle08 [5:42 PM]:  flavor flav belongs with New York
BouncyCastle08 [5:42 PM]:  i am still sad
BouncyCastle08 [5:43 PM]:  i wonder if true love and ahppiness existists
BouncyCastle08 [5:43 PM]:  or if we all juts twist and rub until we think we have something
BouncyCastle08 [5:44 PM]:  i love the angry divorced daria teacher
BouncyCastle08 [5:44 PM]:  brittany is great at war
BouncyCastle08 [5:44 PM]:  :-Pkisses for you
BouncyCastle08 [5:45 PM]:  boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true
BouncyCastle08 signed off at 5:51 PM
BouncyCastle08 is away at 7:17 PM
BouncyCastle08 returned at 7:18 PM
BouncyCastle08 [7:21 PM]:  I would kick hom out of bed BouncyCastle08 [7:23 PM]:  OMG BouncyCastle08 [7:27 PM]:  HOLY FUCK I wish puddles was this cool BouncyCastle08 [7:29 PM]:  we should be a gang BouncyCastle08 [7:31 PM]:  we have to join this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BouncyCastle08 [7:39 PM]:  BouncyCastle08 (7:38:24 PM): baby
BouncyCastle08 (7:38:28 PM): i like other men
BouncyCastle08 (7:38:31 PM): you ae just a front
BouncyCastle08 (7:38:38 PM): i am gonna use you for money
BouncyCastle08 (7:38:42 PM): and pump you dry
BouncyCastle08 (7:38:46 PM): then leave you with the kids
BouncyCastle08 (7:38:48 PM): and i take th ehuse
BouncyCastle08 (7:38:52 PM): and the boat
BouncyCastle08 signed off at 9:47 PM
BouncyCastle08 signed on at 9:48 PM
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