Twin Peaks will get you trashed.

Sep 20, 2007 22:50

I've always wanted to do the Twin Peaks drinking game. So I finally found it and was pretty dissapointed.
So I used the good stuff they had and made my own.
This will REALLY get someone trashed.

Cooper addresses Diane

Cooper compliments food, drink or tree.

Josie changes the subject of conversation through seduction.

Flashlight on ground is seen.

Shot of nothing but trees in the wind.

Someone professes their love of Laura

Someone says they slept with Laura

Whenever the heart locket changes owners

Whenever Nadine flips out about something.

Mrs. Palmer tugs at her hair

David Lynch makes a guest appearance

Someone is shot, beaten or ends up in a hospital.

Mysterious killer or assailant is discovered to be someone we know.

One of the giants prophecies comes true.

We see THE traffic light
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