О роли всяких личностей в истории

Jul 12, 2010 21:43

Reading In Patagonia by Bruce Chatwin

On January 27th 1923 Colonel Varela was shot dead, on the corner of Fitzroy and Santa Fe, by Kurt Wilkens, a Tolstoyan Anarchist from Schleswig-Holstein. A month later, on February 26th, Wilkens was shot dead in the Prison of the Encausaderos by his warder, Jorge Perez Millan Temperley (though how he got there nobody knew). And on Monday February 9th 1925, Temperley was shot dead in a Buenos Aires hospital for the criminally insane by a Yugoslav midget called Lukic.

The man who gave Lukic the gun was an interesting case: Boris Vladimirovich, a Russian of pedigree, a biologist and an artist, who had lived in Switzerland and known - or claimed to have known - Lenin. The 1905 Revolution drove him to drink. He had a heart attack and left for Argentina to begin a new life...

Цитата удивительно ёмко передает суть огромного куска аргентинской истории. В восторге!

ar, citatki

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