про фаллосы в Бутане

Feb 24, 2005 13:02

Мой бутанский коллега Гопиль, как выяснилось, в свое время прогремел в каких-то академических кругах вполне журналистской статьей про "фаллосы в Бутане" (не в смысле в дыму каком-то, Бутан - это не то, что газ, а страна далеко в горах). Ниже привожу кусочек этой занимательной статьи и ссылку на полный текст :) Необязательно для антропологов - просто довольно экзотично...

"Of Phallus : an arcane symbol"

When Tshongpa Sonam of Rangkhar bought his first truck, he stuck pictures of elaborately drawn phalluses on the number plates.
Farmer Dorji Gyeltshen quickly carved a small wooden phallus when he noticed that his Ba-min had given birth to a calf.
Singay of Paro inaugurated his new house by hanging four phalluses on the eaves of his house (see box for the ritual). In eastern Bhutan farmers hang a wooden phallus in the field when the crops begin to sprout. During Tshechus, the atsaras wear a cloth phallus as part of their head gear.

The phallic symbol is as popular as it has ever been. It comes in different shapes and sizes, carved in wood, metal, stone and cloth. It is painted on walls and hung from the eaves of houses and displayed in various forms during some traditional ceremonies.

...>> full text is here http://www.kuenselonline.com/article.php?sid=2473...

Заканчивается статья многозначительно: A Thimphu resident who spoke to Kuensel said that in the long run what actually will matter is whether people will accept the symbol or not. “What would a phallus represent to the modern Bhutanese society?” he asked.


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