Jun 22, 2014 11:02
My aunt is going to be staying with us (at my parents’ house). That’s going to be awkward, considering we’ve had two stages in our family history: ignoring each other and arguing with each other. My mother and her siblings have always been more concerned with talking with each other than anyone else, so I was well out of college before we had the mutual shock that she was politically so far to the right and I was so far to the left that a civil discussion is difficult, especially when that side of the family has a stubborn control streak. According to my father she wasn’t so bad until she moved South with her husband, and then after their divorce she started hanging out with the snobby rich crowd. And of course as a Southern lady her bile can be insidiously polite, when to her advantage.
Since my mother was the youngest sibling, she is used to deferring to her sister, so my aunt can wheedle away at me until I start to lose my temper and then Mom says we should probably stop talking about it. It’s been like that with other relationships, too, like with my Mom and her best friend, who teased me about my weight problem when I was a child for years before Mom told her to stop.
Come to think about, when I was a child most of the young bullies were boys but most of the adult bullies were women. Maybe the reason I’ve taken so many years to develop decent relationships with women is because deep down I expect them to bully me. Even my dad used to say he liked being bossed around by my mother so much that he married her. Meanwhile, I’d rather live alone and do my own thing than spend the rest of my life paying for a house and kids that a wife would want more than I do, and I have noticed that women usually don’t think of me as relationship material until they are thinking about settling down and need a workhorse instead of a stallion.