Feb 06, 2006 15:36
kabbalah is about restricting the desire to recieve for the self alone, or remove ego, so that you can desire to share.
kabbalah is also about one soul being united, split into female and male halves.
men are here to correct themselves and women are already spiritual enlightened.
if a woman moves on from this life without her soulmate, she'll wait for him while he corrects himself to a being of sharing.
there are kabbalic tools to find your soulmate in this life if he/she is still here.
however, you must use the restriction tools to keep it going with your soulmate.
or is it easy to do when you've really found them?!
I guess the latter since kabbalah stresses no agenda so you can't practice a relationship with someone.
you have relationships to share.
sex is very inportant too. to share may be difficult for some, not thinking of themselves only, but to think of the two as a whole.