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Well, the domain name /blog bug has hit again.
Started a new blogger at http://online-novel.com . Mostly it’s rambling about all the things I read, stalk, and otherwise observe as a complete newbie to the self-publishing realm. Unlike other blogs, I guess the focus is coming from the web publishing niche. Most writers of the traditional sort are largely writing still for the traditional market or venturing directly into e-book territory. Some of us young neophytes are writing on the web first as our initial platform, then pursuing the e-book realm (if we can get our selves motivated enough), and then print last.
In any case, by trying to keep the blog off my sites as well as not affiliated with my “author platform” I hope this will eventually become a long-term blog project with other contributing bloggers.
It’s funny how much I hate author branding. Maybe it’s because coming from the artist realm, I prefer my work speaking for me than my personality or my lack thereof online :p