Jul 21, 2005 11:51
once again...its been a while!
I went to Spilira last week. it was awesome!! for those of you that are clueless(which is prolly most of you)... Its a huge methodist youth convention thats every four years at OU. its really cool cause we can stay in the dorms and everything. so that was really cool
So i got back on Saturday....and on monday morning i started working again AT 5:30 in the morning! i opened like twice this week! it was awful but i also told them that im quitting so wednesday so im working like 40 hours exactly this week so thats good!
im rambling...........this entry is absolutely pointless! ha i love it!
I went to Early orientation/registration at LMC last weekend. It was pretty cool, im taking 15 hours my first semester which everyone keeps telling me thats alot for the first semester. but o well. im only taking 1 academic class!! its awesome! im taking religion, orientation, musicmusicmusicmusicmusic and math. so i will be pretty busy with al my music and church stuff.