New clothes a new doll make.

Nov 13, 2006 16:09

After catching a noisy ass show in Silverlake Thursday night with The Telescopes, and Fuxa. I awoke Friday morning to spin off to San Diego to get some customs done, and beg Melissa to make me some doll clothes and snip a wig for me to stave off my wanting another big doll. Pris always abliges to reinvention, plus new skirts always seem to bring things together better. I love my girls. Hee hee.

Ate at a New Curry House in SD. I had extra hot garlic and ginger chicken curry. Great flavor, almost too spicy to eat. It's a good Curry house. 
Went to Mitsua,

San-x's Tire dog!

I got the dog with his head stuck in the chair, and the tape dog. Poor dogs , with their heads stuck in stuff. I was telling Melissa "This isn't just stuff you think up and write down. It only comes in dreams and then you write it down when you wake up."

Pris: "Ewwwww .There's goopy stuff down there."

Got alot of customs done as well. This post  is "friends only" so  I'll share with you.

This one is the "Scrimshaw ghost" I'm doing for a client. I want one for myself.

A relic of the empire. White base vinyl rocks for such technique. Smoked ivory.

This lovely Bemon is off to France. Full of glitter with a beautiful trail of spew.
A candy factory.

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