A peek into Joy's life

Jul 06, 2010 23:13

Hiya f-list!

How's everyone? I'm trying out my new iTouch for El Jay so hopefully this works and I'm not just wasting my time.

Well, it's Tuesday, the second day of the week. I know what you're thinking: 'oh good! Joy knows how to count the days of the week! Anyway, that wasn't my point. Not only is it Tuesday, but it was also the second day of my camp counsellor job! To be fair, I'm overwhelmed with the whole thing (8 straight hours of running after kids), and I'm honestly really tired, but I love it. Really, even in this insane heat, I love it. In fact, I feel like a kid again (I've never been to camp) but with authority! Bahaha. Let's see, what did I do today? I was given a free Popsicle (YES), I went a few times on the Slip 'n' Slide (I was actually forced by the kids), and I'm getting better at Foosball (the kids are still beating me). Yup. I'm a kid alright!

On the other hand, it definitely is hard work. Eight hours times five days plus a weekend of working at my other job? Oh my. All of this for SIX straight weeks. Yeah. I'm tired every single day and I just fall right asleep once I'm home. I almost never have time to hang out with friends since I have to wake up early the next morning, or I'm way too tired to do anything. Plus, the incredible heat isn't helping any.

I know I haven't been posting much lately, especially for the Flame, but if you happen to still check up on my journal or just randomly passing through - I want to hear about YOUR summer! How's it going so far? (This applies to Raphie too) I miss my free time, and I miss ALL OF YOU. Really, I do. This is just my way of getting to know you guys better :) and remember: you don't need to go skydiving to have a cool summer!

Love, Joy

Posted via LiveJournal.app.

growing up, friends, personal, via ljapp

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