Jan 11, 2006 15:39
why do I always seem to update just as I'm about to go somewhere?
20 minutes until work this time, well, not work as such, teaching a bunch of little people to trampoline a bit better. the pay is tops though.
I went round omars after my lessons today, we played lego starwars and then Battlefront two and you know why? It's because we are cool, well, luke warm maybe...
Dammit, hasn't even been a week and I need to fill up my car again. thats it im not giving any more little rides to people who dont really need them, either that or im charging a £2 entrance fee to step foot inside my car.
Bugger, work looms ever closer.
i'll go now then but i shall leave you with a quote of the day (thanks to Omar for saying this one...)
"I honestly never thought there would be a song about date rape..."