I absolutely love being on the East Coast in the
winter time. The season seems a lot more festive, and believe me, it’s not the ugly-ass national Christmas tree that instigates the statement.
The long walk on a sunny winter afternoon from the White House to the Capitol with everything in the middle was great.
The Environmental Protection Agency (root of all evil as stated by my kid cousin) is huge. I won’t get into its bad and ugly at the risk of being called a republican...again.
You can see the Capitol out of Kira’s window. It’s remarkable and reeks of legislature. That’s where philandering, credit defaulting, under the influence driving, statutory rapists make laws to keep the rest of us in line.
The mixed vibe of greatness on the outside and disgust on the inside when you see politicians working their social skills at the dinner table is congestive and yet interesting.
The amount of alcohol I watched people consume in DC was astounding but on the other hand, you don’t get drunk as easily as you do in California. It must be the cold.
Also, it was the cold that forced us to seek shelter at a strip club.
Watching striptease to Frank Sinatra with two men on both sides of you verbalizing hope that “hers might be real” is another interesting experience to be mentioned.
Leaving with
maniavelichiya's &
sergrin’s lamb recipe is priceless. Very much like their company despite occasional battles for the honor of being called the most exasperating (свободный перевод слова «вредный»). No, it’s thanks to these occasional battles that their company is especially pleasant :).
Words can’t describe what I feel when I hang out with
alisa77. Sunshine? Amazement? It must be the enjoyment of being around another bright, sarcastic chick :).
Great trip. For the next few days I am going to remind myself of why it’s not such a good idea for me to move to the East Coast. And then, for another few months I am going to fight the urge to drop everything and move to the middle of the city.