I'm happy. Life is good. God is AMAZING.

Jul 30, 2007 23:06

I thought that now felt like a cozy time to update.

I'm sitting here with a cup of tea and a raisin bread toast. Yum. Mum bought these cute, little white cup and saucers so I'm sampling them and to tell you the funny truth, the tea tastes all the more better.

Its 11:08PM and about an hour ago we all got back from the little ones eisteddfod in the town hall [more like city hall]. They did really well, and got second prize in one category. They were so cute too.
Our Grandma was telling us all about the times during the war that every Friday night there would be big American dance bands and they would all waltz, jitterbug and foxtrot into the night. The town hall is a historical site so no matter how many high rise buildings are built, towering around it, they are not aloud to pull it down. Its a beautiful place. The entrance reminded me heaps of the masked ball on Marianne Toinette and Phantom Of The Opera. I found myself wishing that they still had huge dance 'party's every Friday night and that it was as clean as Gram told us the ones were in her time. There was no alchohol AT ALL she said. Maybe I could put on a huge fund raiser dance/ball. ????
During the big gap between the little ones choir Gram, Mum, us girls and Shalem went to the Queen Street Mall for coffee and iced chocolates. We rode home singing along to Frank Sinatra Christmas songs. Special times.

Next year our teacher wants to enroll us [me, Ruth and Miriam] in the eisteddfod. We may agree to it, if we may NOT have to do singing exams.  (A parent pack).

After having a life filled with mostly girlfriends all of a sudden my life has filled with quite a few guy friends. Its beginning to equal out. Maybe because I now know how to conduct myself better around young men. :D God is gracious. lol

I feel so happy, content and full of life.

It is late and tomorrow is a full day. More like flat out day.
I have piano lessons in the morning, school and what-not when I can fit it in, a whole stack of ironing that simply, positively, MUST be done, and then we're going to the C's at 12 as to not miss our date with the girly's for Amazing Grace.

Good times . Good life.
I hope your all as hopeful and happy and free as I am. If your not then maybe I can pray for you. Let me know.

P.S That is soo cool. Speaking of the town hall entrance looking like the entrance of Phantom Of The Opera etc. See my Cheerful mood icon. Its the masquerade scene exactly in the opera entrance. lol
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