I'm really happy, and I just thought I'd write about it.
As soon as I plopped myself down on this seat under the desk that holds the computer and keyboard, the above phrase came to me and I decided to update on it, I just couldn't decide how to word it though; "I thought I'd write about it" or "I just thought I'd write about it" it was a truly difficult decision. :p
Perhaps what inspired my unusual and happish update was that I have recently been going back over my LJ calender and rereading all my old posts and I saw how happy and carefree I was. I used to become excited over the most minor things, I took pleasure in the simple things. Sad to say, I think I've changed from that time, but I want to get back to it.
"The joy of the Lord is my strength."
For fun, I've decided to base the rest of my update on a randomly chosen update from 2006.
Go to this update
http://paulini.livejournal.com/2006/07/07/ (sorry I have to use HTML for the poll so the link tidy up won't work), and read it and then come back and fill in the poll.
Poll Superman Returns Mainly because I haven't done a poll in a while.
(Summer COME)
Have a great weekend.
I love you all.