
Nov 26, 2005 11:03

ok so thanksgiving came around i went to my aunts n then my uncles n later to a friend of the familys. so my thanks giving was ok nothing out of the ordenary. but i was hoping to hear from my grl that nite i guess she was bizzy or she fell asleep i dn't watever i mean i cant expect to get a call everynite from my grl i mean were not alowed to be togeather so i cant push it u get me. i'm try to save money so i can get my grl a cell so i'm trying to get a job see i got nite skool from 6-9:30 on mondays n wednesday so i'm going to try n work on the weekend so i can get my grl stuff n my self. n i also need to work cuz it seems lyk my parents are going to leave each other so i'm need to take more shit on... i dn't knw how i'm going to do with all of this i need to stay strong n on tope of my skool n i need my grl to be by my side in all of this n hope she understands if i kind act a lil diffrent i love her so i dought there going to be a change but just incase i need to stay strong thats all i need to do n that wat i'm going to do. bro now this job thing i aint got a car to move around so i eather need the job next to my house or near watever skool i'm going to be going to. bro n that thing with going to collage it looks lyk i'm not going to get a scollership. fuck but watever i got to keep my gole n stay strong there just obsticel put in front of me that i'm going to half to over come. ok well i need to get my self on the ball being my hw so i'll hit u up when i can.
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