Multifandom Icon Post

Mar 20, 2008 12:51

[Español] Hola! Perdón si esto es algo confuso, pero escribiré en Español y en Inglés =). Aquí traigo un montón de icons (más de 200 xD), algunos viejos (de casi 2 años!) y otros mucho más recientes. Opiniones, comentarios, críticas, todo vale! Vale decir que hay muchas variaciones, que apesto escogiendo fuentes, y que algunos son tan viejitos que realmente no son buenos xD. Pero bueno, espero que les gusten =D.

[English] Hi! Sorry if this is kind of confusing, but I'm going to write in English and in Spanish. Here I bring a bunch of icons (more than 200!!!), some are really old (almost 2 years old) and other ones are a lot more recent. Opinions, criticism, comments, everything is received! I have to add, that there are a lot of variations, I suck at choosing fonts, and that some of these are really old. But well then, I hope you enjoy them! PS: Sorry if my English is not that great =P

[52] Shakira
[43] Twilight/Crepúsculo
[27] Audrey Tautou/Amélie
[40] Gilmore Girls
[35] Harry Potter
[9] Other stuff/Otras cositas

Total: 206 icons




























Nota/Note: El crédito de la manipulación de Edward y Bella usada en los icons 9-12 es para.../The credit for the manip of Edward an Bella used in icons 9-12 is for:

[Audrey Tautou/Amélie]








[Gilmore Girls]











[Harry Potter]










[Other stuff/Otras cositas]





- No vínculos directos/No hotlinking
- Comentarios son ♥/Comments are ♥
- Crédito, por favor/Credit please
- Icons sin texto no son bases/Textless icons are not bases

!icons, !amélie, !audrey tautou, !etc, !crepúsculo, !gilmore girls, !twilight, !harry potter, !shakira

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