[Spirit: Stallion of the Cimeron] {Fic} In the Wind, In the Sky

Feb 13, 2012 18:03

Title: In the Wind, In the Sky
Genre/Warnings: Angst
Rating: G
Characters: The Eagle
Word Count: 437
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine, and this is fiction purely written for entertainment purposes and no monetary gain is attained from it.

Summary: I wait, and I watch. I know someday he will return.

I wait. And I watch.

The wind that blows across the rolling hills - snow kissed from the icy peaks of the blue mountains that fade into the sky - ruffles through my feathers, urging me to flight. A large part of me wishes to follow the breeze, to lurch off of the perch I have and to allow the wind to carry me out, far over the land. Another part of me, smaller, but so much more special, balks at the idea. Why go out flying, why race with the wind, swim in the breeze, play and dance if he isn't there to be with me? The one who is the race, the one who is the dance? What is the use if the spirit is not there?

It is gone. He is gone. Taken, stolen.

The spirit that I wait for. That I watch for. Will he return?

The herd moves slow without him. They run no more into the wind with the invigoration I used to see. Without him they too are like me. Loathe to try, loathe to race.

The air is cool as I draw it into my lungs, fluffing up my feathers and spreading my wings, letting it out in a wild scream across the hills. I wait, as it echoes off of the mountains that cup us in their hands. I am waiting for a reply. And though the herd below does answer my call, the voice I want to reply remains quiet. The earth does not echo of his resounding steps. It is almost as though he has vanished from this land, and I would believe him gone if not for the tugging within my own soul that lets me know that he is out there, beyond those tree-topped hills, his bright, burning spirit.

I miss him.

I still remember when he was taken. I was desperate not to see him leave; the wind was fighting me the whole way as I furiously flew towards him and the invaders who were trapping him with their strange talons. I screamed, he shouted at me to go. I was stubborn, though, hovering above until I could go no further, certain that I would never find my nest again if I continued to follow.

I wish I hadn't turned back now. I want to race with him again. I want to dance with him once more.

I miss him. And I'm so lonely.

I will race with the spirit once more, in the wind, in the sky.

And so I wait, and I watch.

He will return, and I will greet him.

A/N - Very old fic that I had to yoink from the Pit when I realised that I didn't have the original saved to my computer anymore. Somehow, through the two other computers I've had since writing this, it managed to slip the net.

I think I may have to write an AU where the Eagle goes hunting for him. <3


fic: spirit

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