[Medium] {Fic} Duality

Feb 10, 2010 17:45

Title: Duality
Series: Medium
Rating: PG
Pairings: Allison/?
Word Count: 317
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine, and this is fiction purely written for entertainment purposes and no monetary gain is attained from it.

Summary: He loved her, but everything about this was wrong.


She knew this was wrong. With each fibre of her being and with every part of her that thrummed with life; from the smallest of blood cells to the largess of her wildly beating heart that tattooed out the rhythm: wrong, wrong, wrong. She was certain of it, even as the doormat appeared under her feet and the wooden door was vibrating against her knocking knuckles.

She barely remembered leaving her car in the parking lot.

The door swung open, and one look into his eyes told her that any further motions were to be made by her. He was doubting. He loved her, she knew that. Knew it just as she knew this to be wrong. And through that love, because of that love, he wasn't willing to let this happen. It would have to be made to happen by the force of her will alone for him to accept it.

“Allison,” he started. How long had she been staring at him? “I know you-”

“Don't,” she interrupted him, and the sound of her own voice, strong and certain, startled her. She shook her head at him, unable to bear seeing him doubting himself - or her - for the sake of a social honour her daughters mistook her for actually having. Her hand, with a life of its own, reached out to cup his rounded jaw, and everything slid into place. Her thumb stroked his lips; to shush him, and to feel the soft swells against the pad. She'd always loved his mouth. “The only thing that's wrong here is the secret we're made to keep.”

He pulled her into his arms, and she slotted in against him with an ease not born from familiarity because this was new - barely weeks new - but from honest nature. They belonged this way.

And that was something she knew to be right.

fic: medium

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