Radiant life?

May 23, 2006 01:45

I have been digging my trails for like 3-4 hours straight a day and that has been a good workout / stress reliever. When I’m building my trails I feel like I’m in another dimension. Most the time when I dig/build I’m by my self. I have been finding new artistic ways of building to make riding trails even more interesting. So, basically my workout is going to be endless because I think of more and more shit to do every time I build.
I am also going to clear an area in my basement to lift weights and have punching bag sessions. Tim is giving me his punching bag... Well, hopefully he still is because I really want it!

I been in hiding like this whole week because of shit I had to take care of and being stressed out... I have been on a search recently to get to know my self more, and what I need and want in life. I’m tired of dramatic situations and obnoxious people!!(don’t worry militants this is none of you.)

I have been really anxious to start my life already...I plan to buy a house in about 2-3 years when I’m out of school completely. I’m going to buy it in the woods somewhere like Huntington or oxford somewhere nice like that. This semester is just ending, and I am already anxious for next semester to start. I think I want things to fast, but who doesn’t? The main thing on my agenda is to figure my self out to the core and get jacked I don’t want to be like a muscle head looking disgusting, I just want to have lot of definition in my arms and a little more in my chest. Basically I want to have Brad Pitts build in the movie fight club.

Until then everyone,

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