la dee da dee da

Jun 02, 2006 17:18

Lots has happened this week. I've slept in four different places the past six nights. Today I started a job which actually seems like it will be sweet.

"If you are going to be sprayed by one of two random chemicals, and one is a herbicide and one is a pesticide, choose the herbicide" - Chuck, a coworker with farm experience.

Unfortunately, I don't have internet in my apartment and won't for some time. It's surprising how much this makes me feel like my hands are tied, but perhaps being less of an internet junky will be liberating.

Everything is peachy, for the present, although I've been feeling anxious lately about what I am doing with my life. For some reason, the finitude of life has been getting to me, partly because it implies the ability to live an optimized life. The anxiety is: can I be better spending my finite time? Should I be doing things in a different order to maximize my points? The latter formulation I think illustrates that this is one of the darker unsung consequences of having played too many video games.

I don't think about it often but--the prospect of eventual death sucks.

"For we die every day; oblivion thrives
Not on dry thighbones but on blood-ripe lives,
And our best yesterdays are now foul piles
Of crumpled names, phone numbers and foxed files."
- Nabokov, from Pale Fire

games, death, time, herbicide, optimized life, job

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