Other news: anniversary and residence(s)

May 14, 2006 22:27

Team Katie-Seb has it's 7-month anniversary today. We continue to kick major butt. We celebrated with delicious sushi, and I felt a kind of special nerd pride in celebrating the seventh of something--some kind of radical rejection of decimal significance. I'm still pretty much smitten, although more comfortably so, these days. She even met the parents yesterday, which went swimmingly. I'm pretty blissful about it all.

The end of the school year means houses are on fire! Or something. Rather:

The Aristides Connection and I swung by Cambridge last week to check out places to sublet, and we ended up picking this swell place that would be a bit too close to Harvard Square and a bit too pricey were we not both going to earning wrist-destroying software wages this summer. My only worry is that I won't know enough people in the area who will come and appreciate it, but then again, my sister, the other Paul, and several other folks are going to be in the city working for the same company as I will be. If only I can get the Aristides Connection up for potlucks....

Meanwhile, Howard Prospect and one of my Two Favorite People Since Coming To College and I have managed to sublet our place and are keeping an eye out for furniture bargains.

Finally, The Madhouse got written up in the Christian Science Monitor, of all places. Toxie gets a lot of press, as does Asher--clearly carefully chosen by the author to represent the broad range of beliefs. She also pulled no punches illustrating the tension--bold. Ming also shows up. I get mentioned once, indirectly.

housing, anniversary, asher, toxie, katie, melanie, the aristides connection, howard prospect, doubt-sharing, madhouse

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