
Feb 22, 2006 00:21

I've had a ridiculous weekend. But all the details are piling up! How can I possibly relate them all? This will not do them justice:

  • Democracy Matters Summit - lots to say about this!
  • Birthday Party -- Turned 21. Some other things to say about this!
  • Anxiety about:
    • something unspeakable
    • future employment, especially interviews
    • return of a noxious substance

  • I found a nice poem. And by nice I mean austere and demanding.
  • I got some good news I can't talk about without being pretentious
  • Job interview, was told, nicely, that I wasn't qualified. Liberation from (some) anxiety ensues!
  • Working on:
    • other future-job related things
    • more Democracy Matters related thing

  • Negligence of: all things school.

I like all the good people and things in my life.

pretentiousness, anxiety, poetry, interviews, democracy matters, good people, birthday, jobs, good things

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