Don't talk to me about life.

Feb 11, 2006 17:57

My back hurts from running with the Aristides Connection and Babyface yesterday. I feel like an old man. Not that I have any basis for understanding what old men feel like.

I am not epistemically justified, really, in claiming that I feel like an old man.

I've been thinking a lot about careers and what I'll do this summer. In the reverse order, chronologically, but in the same order in emphasis. See, I try to think about the latter, miss, and end up having fantasies about founding a start-up based on the intellectual property research of last summer.

So I spent today at a big networking event listening to successful entrepreneurs talk about what it takes to be good entrepreneurs. I will probably end up email them to try to form the sorts of special relationships with mentors that they all recommended one try to form should one try to be a successful entrepreneur.

And there, immediately, go my principles. w00t! Thankfully, I'm cognitively flexible enough to rewrite my own book and convince myself that in fact what I'm doing is justified. Harr.

old men, running, justification, networking, startup, jobs, back ache, entrepreneur

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