Christmas Spirit, part 3

Dec 24, 2005 22:16

I owe yourpalfootfoot big time. Notice the turnaround:

After I read "MERRY CHRISTMAS" in my mailbox, I went upstairs to sit with my family. The tree looks lovely. Grandma was both laughing and crying as we finally brought the presents in and put them under the tree. Dad put on truly beautiful choral music. As we sat and listened, Mom curled up into a fetal position on the couch, her head on Grandma's lap. I felt not just at ease, but at peace. And I'm now dressed up and actually a little eager to go to church and sing.

What the hell happened? I have guesses, but I don't want to crush this flower with the plow of analysis, but here is the summary: rather than simulate, generate. And the more spontaneously, the better.

Merry Christmas--or your particular cultural equivalent--everyone. I'm going to shut up and enjoy mine for as long as this euphoria lasts.

generate, grandma, christmas, simulate, turnaround

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