
Jan 02, 2005 18:33

I feel like I ought to explain myself.

This is my LiveJournal.* A partial history of its construction can be reconstructed from first few posts of my friend Greg, mentioned in the dedication, on his LiveJournal, which is accessible under the user name giantslolam.

To summarize the information supplied there: For some time last spring, I was toying with the idea of starting a website or blog. Greg decided to make it his mission to get me to do so-his motivation was unclear, but I suspect that it was, deep down, generous. I agreed that should he start a LiveJournal and keep it for a certain span of time at the beginning of the Fall of 2004, I would start my own.

He does not mention on his journal** further relevant facts: that I stalled on the making my own journal for a long time since I couldn’t think of a good username***. Since I did not fulfill the terms of my bet, I agreed to make the first entry on my journal a post “singing [Greg’s] praises.” Thus the dedication.

Greg also doesn’t describe the intensity of my temptation to start a blog, or how, after the idea was concieved, my inner dialogues, in which I tossed ideas to recreated mental proxies of my friends, turned into inner monologues pasted onto a mental proxy of an on-line journal. I think this is dangerous. I hope that by making those monologues public I might get back the outside input, or even virtually outside input, that I’ve been lacking.

Greg also doesn’t mention my ridiculous ambitions for this blog. I’m not even sure how to describe them. But there’s going to be some pretentiousness here at least; for example, starting a blog, a LiveJournal, no less, with a dedication and introduction. What’s up with that?

This introduction is over. The next post should be this journal's statement of purpose.

* It hurts to use this word because of its capitalization, which reminds me every time I write it that it is not a naturally occurring word but a logo whose orthography is fixed by trademark laws. I need to find a euphemism.
** This works for now.
** More on this later, I’m sure.

blog, introduction, greg souza, bet

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